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Blue Ridge Hydroponics

bio365™ BIOFLOWER™

bio365™ BIOFLOWER™

Regular price $37.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.99 USD
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bio365™ BIOFLOWER™ is the powerhouse blend with the most nutrient-dense mix. This compost-free, biologically active living media is meticulously engineered and crafted in bio365's indoor, controlled-environment facilities. BIOFLOWER™ allows growers to significantly reduce adding fertilizers and amendments. This blend is optimized for the flowering stage of growth, containing up to eight weeks of organic and bioavailable nutrients - including phosphorus, potassium, and many critical micronutrients like silica. It also contains a significant amount of nitrogen. BIOFLOWER™ can be used stand-alone as a full-cycle soil, or in combination with BIOALL™, as Part 2 of a two-part system for growers who transplant. While designed to significantly reduce the need for additional feeding, it supports organic or salt-based feeding regimens.

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